The solution to all your server configuration headaches

Configsense makes it easy to manage every single setting in your MicroStrategy server and project configurations.

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02 Project ConfigurationFully automated comprehensive coverage

Use Configsense to read thousands of settings in seconds. Clear color-coding highlights all differences.



01 Server ConfigurationSave time and money

Configsense reads every single setting in your server and project configurations in a few seconds, saving hours of tedious, error-prone manual labor.



05 Export to ExcelCompare environments easily

Configsense reads settings from multiple environments and highlights all differences. Export full configuration details to Excel.

03 Security RolesSpot errors before deployments

Using a setting meant for development in a production environment can lead to costly problems and system downtime. Use Configsense to audit settings before every deployment.


04 Compare with snapshotPrevent unexpected changes

Configsense allows you to capture snapshots of your server and project configurations. Snapshots can be used to identify accidental changes, which can easily take many hours to diagnose.


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